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FCBC Newsletter

June 2024

Last month was Bike Month, and it was a blast.  Spring is coming to a close, and the weather has heated up.  Be sure to hydrate when you ride your bike, starting a couple hours before you get on your bike.  During normal temperatures, a normal-sized water bottle should be about the right amount of water consumed in an hour of bike riding for most people, but in the Fresno heat, plan to carry an extra water bottle if you will be riding that long.

In this month’s Newsletter:

  • The numerous events of Bike Month are recapped.

  • The next Bike Station bike repair clinic is on Saturday, June 29 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Tower District.

  • Several bills related to bicycling are working their way through the State Legislature.

  • The next FCBC general membership meeting and FCBC Board meeting are scheduled for Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 and 7:00 pm, respectively.

Bike Month Recap

May was Bike Month, and there was no shortage of activities to get on your bike and ride with others.  Here are the activities that FCBC helped organize and lead:

May 4:  Bicycle Ride to the Farmer's Market

On May 4, our members enjoyed a delightful bicycle ride to the Farmer's Market on Shaw and Blackstone Avenues, led by FCBC member Claudia Readwright.  The ride was a great success, with participants relishing fresh coffee, vibrant flowers, delicious fruits, and vegetables.  It was a wonderful way to combine fitness, community, and support for local vendors.  

May 15:  2nd Annual Mayor's Ride

FCBC collaborated with the City of Fresno Active Transportation Advisory Committee (ATAC) to lead the 2nd Annual Mayor's Ride on May 15.  Bicyclists gathered at City Hall and embarked on a ride to the Tower District and back.  Mayor Jerry Dyer delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of cycling in Fresno and highlighting the City's commitment to supporting bicycle-friendly initiatives.

May 16:  Bike to Work Day

May 16 was marked by Bike to Work Day, featuring two energy stations. One station was hosted by FCBC at the Tower Theater, and the other by Caltrans at Manchester Center.  Enthusiastic bicyclists also participated in a morning ride starting from Rubber Soul Bicycles led by FCBC Board Member Edna Pedroza to Manchester Center.  It was a fantastic event promoting healthier commuting options and a greener environment.

May 18: Bicycle Extravaganza Featuring Bike Through History

On May 18, we celebrated the Bicycle Extravaganza, partnering with Tower Yoga and Fresno Historic Preservation Commission. The event featured our free Bike Station clinic run by FCBC Vice Chair Julie Congi, the Bike Through History ride led by docent James Sponsler with stops at about 15 historical properties in the Tower District, yoga classes throughout the day, tacos by La Jacka, and bicycle-themed beer from Goldstein's Mortuary & Delicatessen.  There were about 80 participants, making this one of the best-attended events in recent memory. It was a fantastic day of community engagement, celebrating the joy of cycling and local culture.

May 25:  Community Ride at REI

On May 25, we teamed up with REI to host a community ride. The ride was led by FCBC Board Member Edith Smith and took about 50 participants through the scenic routes of Woodward Park, including a stop at the BMX racetrack.  The event concluded at BarrelHouse Brewing with an exciting raffle of bike accessories, adding a fun and rewarding end to the ride.

May 27:  Coffee Outside

Bike Month activities were wrapped up on May 27 with our Coffee Outside event at Trolley Park near Fresno High.  Coffee was generously provided by Sad Tire Bike CafĂ©.  It was a perfect morning to enjoy coffee and the vibrant atmosphere of the street market, all while celebrating the cycling community.

Bike Station:  Your Community Bike Hub

Did you know that Bike Station receives bike donations?  At Bike Station, we refurbish and donate bikes to kids in the community.  On average, refurbishing a kid’s bike costs about $25. We also receive donations of amazing bikes, some of which are given out to the community, while others are sold.  The sale of these bikes helps fund our programs, including Bike Station and community rides.

Bike Station is a free bike clinic that provides essential teaching of bike repair.  We provide tubes, cables, housing, brake pads and more.  We have bike stands, tools, and knowledgeable volunteers ready to help the community get their bikes back in working condition.

Here's a heartwarming story of a recent donation:  Wes heard about Bike Station through another cyclist who had donated their bike to us.  The bike Wes donated was one he held dear, having completed many century rides on it.  When he brought in the bike, he proudly showed off his new e-bike, highlighting that while he is changing how he rides, he’s not stopping anytime soon.  Thank you Wes for your donation!

On June 12, Bike Station was at Caltrans Kid’s Day, helping with the bike rodeo and repairing bikes and giving away 12 donated bikes.  Kids had a great time despite the heat.

The next Bike Station event will be on June 29 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm in the Tower District in front of Tower Velo located at 1440 N. Van Ness Avenue.  You can let us know that you will be attending by signing up here.

Weekly FCBC Rides with Rubber Soul Bicycles

The weekly Tuesday morning 15-mile ride to Sycamore Island with FCBC and Rubber Soul Bicycles is led by Jon Stewart with the bike shop.  The ride is both on and off pavement, and it departs from the bike shop at the northwest corner of Blackstone and Nees Avenues at 8:00 am every Tuesday.  From the bike shop, the ride goes through residential streets into Woodward Park.  The ride proceeds on the old Highway 41 and along the San Joaquin River to Sycamore Island and then returns to the bike shop by 9:30 am.  Sign up here for the weekly series of rides.  After registering, you may attend any week of your choosing.

Legislative Update

There are several bicycle-related bills working their way through the legislative process, as highlighted below:

  • Senate Bill 961 requires vehicles to have an alert when traveling 10 mph over the speed limit.  The previous requirement for truck side guards has been removed.  The bill is in the Assembly Transportation Committee.

  • Assembly Bill 2290 establishes the Bikeway Quick-Build Project Pilot Program that requires each Caltrans district to implement a low-cost bicycle facility as part of the Caltrans Maintenance Program by the end of 2027.  Projects funded by the SB-1 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program that include a bicycle facility if identified by a bicycle plan or active transportation plan.  It would also prohibit funding from the Active Transportation Program for Class II bike routes unless on a residential street with a speed limit of 25 mph or less.  The bill passed the Senate Transportation Committee and is in the Appropriations Committee.

  • AB-2234 establishes an electric bicycle enforcement pilot program in the County of San Diego allowing the county or local authorities to prohibit a person under 12 years of age from operating a class 1 or class 2 electric bicycle until January 1, 2029.  A report would be submitted to the Legislature by January 1, 2028 that details enforcement of the ordinance and changes, if any, in electric bicycle collisions and injuries. The bill is in the Appropriations Committee.

  • AB-2259 would require the California Transportation Agency, which is over the DMV, the CHP, Caltrans, and the Office of Traffic Safety, to develop by September 1, 2025 a downloadable bicycle safety handbook.  A similar bill was vetoed last year over concerns of the cost of printing the handbook.  The bill passed the Senate Transportation Committee and is in the Appropriations Committee.

  • SB-1216 would prohibit funds from the Active Transportation Program to place Class III bikeways on roadways with speed limits of 30 mph or higher beginning in 2025.  The bill is in the Assembly Transportation Committee.

Next General Membership and Board Meetings

The next general membership meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 20 at 6:30 pm via Zoom.  The general membership meeting is for members and nonmembers to meet with the Board prior to the official Board meeting to ask questions or raise issues for the Board to consider.  After the meeting concludes, at 7:00 pm at the latest, the Board meeting will begin.  Board meetings are restricted to members only.

If you would like to participate in the meeting, register here, and you will immediately get the Zoom link.


If you are not yet a member of FCBC or need to renew, please visit https://fresnobike.org/join to become a member or renew your membership.

Have a comment or suggestion?  Contact us at info@fresnobike.org.

Fresno County Bicycle Coalition

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