March 2021
FCBC Mission Survey Results
Shortly after the beginning of the year, FCBC embarked on an effort to update the mission statement, develop a vision statement, and identify core values to help guide where FCBC should focus its time, energy, and resources over the next five years. It is important that the mission, vision, and value statements reflect the culture and commitments of the membership and community partners. The survey was sent to current and past FCBC members and other stakeholders in the community to get their perspectives.
A mission statement speaks of the purpose of an organization to help guide it into the future. The survey included the current mission statement of “To promote safe bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation in Fresno County through advocacy and education” and two alternative statements. The survey showed a clear preference for a new mission statement: “FCBC works to build healthy, equitable, and safe communities through advocacy, education, and collaboration that promotes bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation.”
A vision statement describes how the world would look if FCBC achieves its mission. Results of the survey showed an even split between the two options:
Based on feedback for a shorter vision statement, elements of the two vision statements were combined to form a third version:
Core value statements are used to guide daily decisions. The ten proposed core value statements were ranked in the following order, from high to low:
When asked which one core value statement is the most important, the following received the most responses:
The results of the survey will be used to guide continued strategic planning efforts, including selecting future projects and initiatives. Thanks to everyone who responded to the survey and provided valuable input.
The MOTHERLOAD Movie is Coming!
The virtual screening of the MOTHERLOAD Movie has been scheduled to kick off Bike Month the first weekend in May. After the virtual screening, FCBC is hosting a Virtual Community MOTHERLOAD Discussion on Sunday May 2, 2021 at 4 PM with director Liz Canning and invited local guest panelists Fresno City Councilmember Esmeralda Soria, FUSD Trustee Veva Islas, and US Green Building Council Executive Director Laura Gromis.
MOTHERLOAD captures a new mother’s quest to understand the increasing isolation and disconnection of modern life, its planetary impact, and how cargo bikes could be an antidote. Filmmaker Liz Canning cycled everywhere until she had twins in 2008. Motherhood was challenging, but to Liz hauling babies via car felt stifling. She Googled “family bike” and uncovered a global movement of people replacing cars with cargo bikes: long-frame bicycles designed for carrying heavy loads. Liz set out to learn more, and MOTHERLOAD was born. Since making its world premiere in May 2019, MOTHERLOAD has been on a Global Screening Tour, winning multiple awards and playing over 300 venues. For more details and to register:
Register for this event at Eventbrite
Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 18 at 7:30 pm via Zoom. Topics will include:
Everyone is welcome to join the virtual board meeting. If you would like to participate, please send an email to, and the login information and call-in number will be sent to you.
Not yet a member of FCBC or need to renew? Join us at:
Have a comment or suggestion? Contact us at