February 2021
The FCBC Survey
Earlier this month, an online survey was sent to current and former FCBC members and external stakeholders to get feedback on a revised mission statement for FCBC, a new vision statement, and proposed core value statements. The survey will help shape the direction of FCBC for the next five years. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete, and it will remain open until the end of February. If you haven’t submitted a response yet, please do so as soon as you can. The survey will close February 28, 2021.
The link to the survey is here:
Results of the survey will help FCBC develop goals and objectives. For the past few years, efforts by FCBC were focused primarily on
(1) bicycle safety education through Smart Cycling classes, bike rodeos, and helmet giveaways,
(2) advocacy for improved bicycle facilities working with local governments, and
(3) encouragement through fun rides and activities, mainly during Bike Month.
These efforts may continue or be changed to reflect the needs and values of the FCBC membership and community at large.
Sharrows in Right-Turn Lanes in Fresno
The City of Fresno installed the first sharrows (shared lane markings) in right-turn lanes to allow bicycles to proceed straight legally. These sharrows can be found on Gettysburg Avenue at Blackstone Avenue and also at Fresno Street. Traffic control devices, including signs, pavement markings, and signals, must conform to the California Manual on Traffic Control Devices put out by Caltrans, and the placement of sharrows in right-turn lanes was approved starting last year. If at an intersection there is no dedicated bike lane or sharrows in the right-turn lane, then bicyclists are supposed to ride in the through lane with other traffic.
For lanes that are narrower than 14 feet, the sharrow is to be centered in the lane. Lanes 14 feet or wider should have the sharrow placed 4 feet from the solid white lane line. There is no “RIGHT TURN MUST TURN RIGHT” sign at the location shown above on westbound Gettysburg Avenue at Blackstone Avenue, but when that sign is in place, there should be another sign below it that states “EXCEPT BIKES.”
At signalized intersections with inductive loop detectors, there should be a loop placed in line with the sharrow marking directly behind the limit line. Loop detectors in right-turn lanes are often programmed with a delay so that traffic in right-turn lanes do not trigger the signal unless the lane starts to back up. Where sharrows are placed in right-turn lanes, the signals will need to be programmed to properly accommodate bicycles. If you are ever at a signalized intersection that does not appear to detect your bike properly, you should contact the jurisdiction responsible for the signal to make any needed adjustments.
2021 Active Transportation Program (Cycle 5)
The California Transportation Commission (CTC) released staff recommendations for the 2021 Active Transportation Program (ATP). A total of 454 projects were submitted, and CTC staff recommended approval for 41 projects, all within disadvantaged communities. Of the 14 projects within Fresno County, three were recommended, including sidewalk projects in Biola and south Fresno and bike lanes and cycle tracks on State Route 269 (Lassen Avenue) and on M Street in the City of Huron.
Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 18 at 7:30 pm via Zoom. Topics include the ongoing strategic planning efforts and updates on Bike Match Fresno and the virtual screening and community discussion of the Motherload film scheduled for May. Everyone is welcome to join the virtual meeting. If you would like to participate, please send an email to info@fresnobike.org, and the login information and call-in number will be sent to you.
Have a comment or suggestion? Contact us at info@fresnobike.org