Connect on Zoom at our monthly (second Tuesdays) Bike Café: to socialize and discuss bike related topics of interest. Bring us your ideas for open forum discussion.
Each month we will plan a discussion around an interesting and relevant topic. Occasionally we'll invite a guest speaker to present to the group.
Join us on Zoom as we get a preview of a new Active Transportation Bikeways Map for the City of Fresno. We will be discussing the future of how the Active Transportation layer will be maintained and published, and what you can do to contribute. A prototype map has been created that will have a function that will allow you to provide feedback and suggest additions or corrections to the data, helping GIS staff to make the layer a better representation of the actual bikeways network in Fresno.
We will also discuss future plans for possible improvements to this map. This will be an exciting opportunity to learn about what the Public Works Department and the GIS teams have been doing to improve data sharing, quality, and timeliness.
If you have questions about using Zoom, registration for the event, or any other questions, email us
Fresno County Bicycle Coalition